Tuesday 20 March 2012

CRY HAVOC - Cardigan Arms, Leeds 24/02/12


LIFE POSSESSION / GOMORA – Split LP Czech Rep is responsible for producing some fucking amazing crust punk bands in recent years with this new split which unites Czech grinders LIFE POSSESSION and GOMORA been no exception. LIFE POSSESSION come from the east Czech city of Pardubice and continue with the D-takt crust metal assault as their 2009 debut 7” EP. Eight songs of heavy fucking metallic crust with a solid driving two guitar sound and a pounding d-beat drum pace complimented perfectly with a dual gutteral and screaming vocal delivery reminiscent of early UK crust bands like EXTREME NOISE TERROR and DOOM. GOMORA are from Žižkov, Prague and feature the ex-vocalist of DEMARCHE. They play a much more darker sounding style of crust to LIFE POSSESSION with a more old school crust grind influence going on with bands like DISRUPT and EXTREME NOISE TERROR coming to mind. GOMORA also have the dual trade off guttural and screamed vocals as LIFE POSSESSION with seven songs from them of well executed political crust grind. What I also like about this release is the eight page cover booklet that accompanies the album which contains some great looking artwork, photos and well written political lyrics with English and Czech translations from both bands. This was DIY released by eight different European labels and comes pressed on fucking beautiful black and white marble vinyl. (Aback Distribuce Records c/o peta.aback@gmail.com or http://www.aback.bloguje.cz).